Syncronize your tickets with the Parque de Atracciones de Madrid App
If you have bought your online tickets for Parque de Atracciones de Madrid, you can easily syncronize them on your device using our app for be prepared to spend an amazing and funny day with family and friends.
You just have to follow 4 simple steps:
1. Download the app of Parque de Atracciones de Madrid on your mobile device. You can get the app via "App store", if your mobile device is an iOS one, or on the "Play store", if you have an Android one.
2. Once you have the app on your device, enter and click the option "My tickets".
3. Introduce your personal data requested and download your tickets. A QR code will be generated on your device that you will can use on the devices you can find on the entrance lathes of the park.
4. Ready! Now you have your syncronized tickets on the app of Parque de Atracciones de Madrid. With the generated QR code you can access to the park in a easy and quick way.